Raja Rammohun Roy Mahavidyalaya

Govt. Sponsored | NAAC Accredited Grade 'B' [2nd cycle]

Affiliated to the University of Burdwan


Best practice-I

Title: Peer Learning Classes for a better Teaching-Learning ambience of the college.

Goal: The Goal for the practice mentioned above are as follows:

    A. To enhance the quality of the teaching –learning ambience of the college.

   B. To make the students more participating in the class.

   C. To enhance the participatory activities within the class teaching process.

Context: The College is situated in a culturally and rurally backward area, where the students mainly face the problem of proper exposure to education. Very often the traditional method of Chalk and Talk based teaching process appears drab and monotonous to them. The language problem also poses a general hindrance to their interactive initiatives. Against this back drop the college already constructed two smart classrooms for a more interactive friendly teaching-learning process. This year the IQAC planned and consequently proposed organization of Peer Learning classes for the enhancement of the ambience of the teaching-learning in the college.

Practice: At the initial level, the departments were requested to arrange such classes within the master routine provided by the concerned Routine committee. Generally, it was advised to arrange Peer Learning classes where there are two consecutive classes of a same subject by the same teacher. The first class will be taken by the teacher, who will teach the allotted lesson from the syllabus. The second class will be devoted for the proposed Peer Learning, where a student will be

asked to take up a particular skill: i. Introducing a lesson, ii. Explaining a lesson, iii. Question and answer session etc. The student the take the class based on that particular pedagogical skill. The other student present in the class will question and give suggestion on the lesson taught. Finally, the teacher facilitator will sum up the whole thing.

Evidence of success: The practice has become a very interesting concept among the students, who are cherishing the whole thing after such experience. The initial inertia is also lessening the more students are becoming interested on such teaching-learning procedures. The lessons are also becoming more lively and interesting to them.

Problems: Though the initial hesitation among the students have lessened after some regular practices in various departments, more sensitization among the students is required. The teacher facilitator should be aware also about the total pedagogical process. The routine has to be made in such a way, so that more peer learning classes can be organized.

However, the whole process is experiencing a slow but steady success.


Best Practice-II

Title: “Shabda-Viswa”-the word board.

Goal: The Goal for the practice mentioned above is as follows:

  1. To increase the use of Bengali Language.

  2. To know new Bengali word & its meaning regularly.

Context: In recent time or if we recall, from sometime back, the use of Bengali language is found to be decreasing particularly among the young educated people. The digital cyclone has dismantled the love for mother language. The fusion of dialects which are used by common men orally or in written form has created a concern for Bengali language. In this context the IQAC initiated the idea of educating students of this college to absorb one Bengali word and its use regularly.

Practice: The Practice began by instituted a board near the main gate of the college and it was named as “Shabda-Viswa.” The meaning of each and every word have wonderful idea with its grammatical form. Each word depicts a world, as it commonly called. The project is controlled by the Bengali Dept. of the college. It’s written on every teaching day of the college then its written in a separate register meant for it. At the end of every month the Principal of the college signed and authorized it as an official document. In this process its moving forward.

Evidence of success: The use of one word and its meaning every teaching day, have attracted many to this board to know new word. The increase of stock of word also motivated others to follow the word board. The non-teaching staffs and outsiders come for official works also showed interest to the word board. The most fascinating matter is that many outsiders and surrounding people of the college, once who have seen it, come almost everyday to absorb every Bengali word and its word meaning written on every teaching day. In this way it has created a social outreach programme of the college. There lies its importance.

Problems: The main problem is to write it in a regular way. In very rare occasion its passed on to other day.

In a nutshell, the “Shabda-Viswa”- the word board is a matter of proud for the college.